Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Dear all, I am using tcldot under Debian stable and it is great. If this step fails package not found , then Tcldot is not installed. Unfortunately, at least under Debian stable version there is no error message, user trying to do "layout NEATO" just gets result for "layout dot". For example, you can use the following alias in your. Click the download tab, and agree to the license. tcldot

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Dear all, I am using tcldot under Debian stable and it is great. Functionally, is covers the same ground as Tcldot, but with a different syntax. The version must be greater than 2.

Tcl Dot API (tcldot)

Free forum by Nabble. Or does tcldot exist to add just this? An example is graphviz http: Are they two APIs doing similar things?

Search everywhere only in this topic. Exactly what I wanted - even before I asked: I got to this while trying to do also 'NEATO' layout via tcldot, in Debian stable this does not work due to this old bug: IO to tcl channels isn't working. It creates several files which are tcldoh in the following style:.

Here are some instructions tcldlt we have used to install Tcldot on Linux Ubuntu v8. The Tcldot package is used by the Bluespec Development Workstation to display graphical views of scheduling graphs.

Tcl Dot API (tcldot)

For example, you can use the following alias in your. I tlcdot it yesterday via the web bug form copy attached at the end of this mail.


Unfortunately, a newer version of Tcldot 2. The hope was to be able to support multiple language bindings with less coding and documentation effort. The string returned by gv:: Or is this a historical relict which will change in the future?

Save the file and launch the workstation.


John, Many thanks for the answer - and for the related work! Click the download tab, and agree to the license.

It creates several files which are named in the following style: On a linux command line, start wish: The version number should be returned, e. Load the Tcldot package graphviz from the wish shell: It merely generates scheduling graphs during compilation when given the flag - sched-dot.

tcldot(n) - Linux man page

Unfortunately, at least under Debian stable version there is no error message, user trying to do "layout NEATO" just gets result for "layout dot". Select tclrot Ubuntu download page.


Training Installation and Licensing Guide. I'll try to switch tcldot over to the plugin as soon as possible.

Tcldot - Learning Bluespec

Note, the standalone Bluespec compiler 'bsc' command does not depend on Tcldot. I can start tclsh and do: Also broken at the moment is the tcldot's rendering to tk canvas. Verify where in Tcl's search path Tcldot was found:

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