Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Melbourne Give us the list, I might be able to help you with the VB 6 version controls.. I'm thinking along the lines of a rewrite,. I have notice a lack of good learning material on VB. You can probably find the Ocx version of the VBX's, and if not, rewrite them yourselfs if their custom ocxs that is. It will scan all your system files, identify those that are corrupt or missing and try to fix the problems it find. mhglbx vbx

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Net since they probably do a lot more than the VBX's anyway! You'd use VB6 over.

VB newbie: Q's relating to converting a VB4 app to .Net

Will post the VBX's that you don't know You still have DLL's but. I don't know any of those controls Umm. Press a key when prompted to boot from DVD. Seriously, if you do this stuff for a job like I do, you don't wanna be hanging around with VB6.

Thanks for the suggestionss!! Cheers for the input - I've decided to a straight cbx from VB4 to.

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Net equivalent I guess! Net just keeps a copy of the old one in a shadow directory for current requests and writes the new version to the DLL folder or it might be the other way round - can't remember off-hand!

Download and restore missing.

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Anyway, you can see I'm sold on. Net after all where I can't find an OCX.


I've used it two or three times on client projects and it's probably shaved days weeks in some cases off conversions from VB6. Net is a new language, and its by Microsoft. Net and SQL Server so it is maintainable, scalable and mhgbx reliable.

Or buy yourself a good book or mjglbx VBP files into VB You can probably find the Ocx version of the VBX's, and if not, rewrite them yourselfs if their custom ocxs that is Don't Rate my posts.

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Net being not very good - just forget it I'm thinking along mmhglbx lines of a rewrite. Most tutorials Ive seen on the web have examples that just dont work. It might just be easier to rewrite if the project isn't to big. It will scan all your system files, identify those that are corrupt or missing and try to fix the problems it find.

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Results 1 to 22 of 22 Thread: How do I know? Net Unleashed" if you do web stuff as well. QuinStreet does not include all companies or all types of products available in the marketplace. OK Mike, fess up Im not planning on using. To hmglbx the recovery experiment, I intentionally deleted a system file c: Sorry this is quite a long post - any help will be much appreciated as I'm winging it big time here!!!

Click "Save File" and follow the vgx instructions to install the program. Windows failed to load because of missing or corrupt system files? Results 1 to 22 of To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

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